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bt_gethostbyname, bt_gethostbyaddr, bt_gethostent, bt_sethostent, bt_endhostent, bt_getprotobyname, bt_getprotobynumber, bt_getprotoent, bt_setprotoent, bt_endprotoent, bt_aton, bt_ntoa - Bluetooth routines


See Also


.Lb libbluetooth


.In bluetooth.h struct hostent * bt_gethostbyname "const char *name" struct hostent * bt_gethostbyaddr "const char *addr" "int len" "int type" struct hostent * bt_gethostent void void bt_sethostent "int stayopen" void bt_endhostent void struct protoent * bt_getprotobyname "const char *name" struct protoent * bt_getprotobynumber "int proto" struct protoent * bt_getprotoent void void bt_setprotoent "int stayopen" void bt_endprotoent void int bt_aton "const char *str" "bdaddr_t *ba" const char * bt_ntoa "const bdaddr_t *ba" "char *str"


The bt_gethostent, bt_gethostbyname and bt_gethostbyaddr functions each return a pointer to an object with the
.Vt hostent structure describing a Bluetooth host referenced by name or by address, respectively.

The name argument passed to bt_gethostbyname should point to a NUL -terminated hostname. The addr argument passed to bt_gethostbyaddr should point to an address which is len bytes long, in binary form (i.e., not a Bluetooth BD_ADDR in human readable ASCII form). The type argument specifies the address family of this address and must be set to AF_BLUETOOTH.

The structure returned contains the information obtained from a line in /etc/bluetooth/hosts file.

The bt_sethostent function controls whether /etc/bluetooth/hosts file should stay open after each call to bt_gethostbyname or bt_gethostbyaddr. If the stayopen flag is non-zero, the file will not be closed.

The bt_endhostent function closes the /etc/bluetooth/hosts file.

The bt_getprotoent, bt_getprotobyname and bt_getprotobynumber functions each return a pointer to an object with the
.Vt protoent structure describing a Bluetooth Protocol Service Multiplexor referenced by name or number, respectively.

The name argument passed to bt_getprotobyname should point to a NUL -terminated Bluetooth Protocol Service Multiplexor name. The proto argument passed to bt_getprotobynumber should have numeric value of the desired Bluetooth Protocol Service Multiplexor.

The structure returned contains the information obtained from a line in /etc/bluetooth/protocols file.

The bt_setprotoent function controls whether /etc/bluetooth/protocols file should stay open after each call to bt_getprotobyname or bt_getprotobynumber. If the stayopen flag is non-zero, the file will not be closed.

The bt_endprotoent function closes the /etc/bluetooth/protocols file.

The bt_aton routine interprets the specified character string as a Bluetooth address, placing the address into the structure provided. It returns 1 if the string was successfully interpreted, or 0 if the string is invalid.

The routine bt_ntoa takes a Bluetooth address and places an ASCII string representing the address into the buffer provided. It is up to the caller to ensure that provided buffer has enough space. If no buffer was provided then internal static buffer will be used.




Print out the hostname associated with a specific BD_ADDR:
const char *bdstr = "00:01:02:03:04:05";
bdaddr_t bd;
struct hostent *hp;

if (!bt_aton(bdstr, &bd))
errx(1, "can’t parse BD_ADDR %s", bdstr);

if ((hp = bt_gethostbyaddr((const char *)&bd,
sizeof(bd), AF_BLUETOOTH)) == NULL)
errx(1, "no name associated with %s", bdstr);

printf("name associated with %s is %s\n", bdstr, hp->h_name);


Error return status from bt_gethostent, bt_gethostbyname and bt_gethostbyaddr is indicated by return of a NULL pointer. The external integer h_errno may then be checked to see whether this is a temporary failure or an invalid or unknown host. The routine herror(3) can be used to print an error message describing the failure. If its argument string is non- NULL, it is printed, followed by a colon and a space. The error message is printed with a trailing newline.

The variable h_errno can have the following values:

HOST_NOT_FOUND No such host is known.
NO_RECOVERY Some unexpected server failure was encountered. This is a non-recoverable error.

The bt_getprotoent, bt_getprotobyname and bt_getprotobynumber return NULL on EOF or error.


gethostbyaddr(3), gethostbyname(3), getprotobyname(3), getprotobynumber(3), herror(3), inet_aton(3), inet_ntoa(3)




Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013