These low-level routines must be called by programs that have to deal directly with the terminfo database to handle certain terminal capabilities, such as programming function keys. For all other functionality, curses routines are more suitable and their use is recommended. Initially, setupterm should be called. Note that setupterm is automatically called by initscr and newterm. This defines the set of terminal-dependent variables [listed in terminfo(5)]. The terminfo variables lines and columns are initialized by setupterm as follows: If use_env(FALSE) has been called, values for lines and columns specified in terminfo are used. Otherwise, if the environment variables LINES and COLUMNS exist, their values are used. If these environment variables do not exist and the program is running in a window, the current window size is used. Otherwise, if the environment variables do not exist, the values for lines and columns specified in the terminfo database are used.
The header files curses.h and term.h should be included (in this order) to get the definitions for these strings, numbers, and flags. Parameterized strings should be passed through tparm to instantiate them. All terminfo strings [including the output of tparm] should be printed with tputs or putp. Call the reset_shell_mode to restore the tty modes before exiting [see curs_kernel(3X)]. Programs which use cursor addressing should output enter_ca_mode upon startup and should output exit_ca_mode before exiting. Programs desiring shell escapes should call
reset_shell_mode and output exit_ca_mode before the shell is called and should output enter_ca_mode and call reset_prog_mode after returning from the shell.
The setupterm routine reads in the terminfo database, initializing the terminfo structures, but does not set up the output virtualization structures used by curses. The terminal type is the character string term; if term is null, the environment variable TERM is used. All output is to file descriptor fildes which is initialized for output. If errret is not null, then setupterm returns OK or ERR and stores a status value in the integer pointed to by errret. A return value of OK combined with status of 1 in errret is normal. If ERR is returned, examine errret: