NAME drem - floating-point remainder function CONTENTS Synopsis Description Errors SYNOPSIS #include <math.h> "double drem(double "x", double "y); DESCRIPTION The drem() function computes the remainder of dividing x by y. The return value is x - n * y, where n is the quotient of x / y, rounded to the nearest integer. If the quotient is 1/2, it is rounded to the even number. "RETURN VALUE" The drem() function returns the remainder, unless y is zero, when the function fails and errno is set. ERRORS
"double drem(double "x", double "y); DESCRIPTION The drem() function computes the remainder of dividing x by y. The return value is x - n * y, where n is the quotient of x / y, rounded to the nearest integer. If the quotient is 1/2, it is rounded to the even number. "RETURN VALUE" The drem() function returns the remainder, unless y is zero, when the function fails and errno is set. ERRORS