Wait for events on the epoll file descriptor epfd for a maximum time of timeout milliseconds. The memory area pointed to by events will contain the events that will be available for the caller. Up to maxevents are returned by epoll_wait(2). The maxevents parameter must be greater than zero. Specifying a timeout of -1 makes epoll_wait(2) wait indefinitely, while specifying a timeout equal to zero makes epoll_wait(2) to return immediately even if no events are available ( return code equal to zero ). The struct epoll_event is defined as :
typedef union epoll_data {
void *ptr;
int fd;
__uint32_t u32;
__uint64_t u64;
} epoll_data_t;
struct epoll_event {
__uint32_t events; /* Epoll events */
epoll_data_t data; /* User data variable */
The data of each returned structure will contain the same data the user set with a epoll_ctl(2) (EPOLL_CTL_ADD,EPOLL_CTL_MOD) while the events member will contain the returned event bit field.
When successful, epoll_wait(2) returns the number of file descriptors ready for the requested I/O, or zero if no file descriptor became ready during the requested timeout milliseconds. When an error occurs, epoll_wait(2) returns -1 and errno is set appropriately.