The condition was detected at the application level.
The condition was detected at the utility level.
The condition was detected at the operating system level.
The application can recover from the condition.
The application is unable to recover from the condition.
Alternatively, the MM_NULLMC manifest constant may be used to specify no classification.
The label argument indicates the source of the message. It is made up of two fields separated by a colon (:). The first field can be up to 10 bytes, and the second field can be up to 14 bytes. The MM_NULLLBL manifest constant may be used to specify no label.
The severity argument identifies the importance of the condition. One of the following manifest constants should be used for this argument.
The application has confronted a serious fault and is halting.
The application has detected a fault.
The application has detected an unusual condition, that could be indicative of a problem.
The application is providing information about a non-error condition.
No severity level supplied.
The text argument details the error condition that caused the message. There is no limit on the size of this character string. The MM_NULLTXT manifest constant may be used to specify no text.
The action argument details how the error-recovery process should begin. Upon output, fmtmsg will prefix ""TO FIX:"" to the beginning of the action argument. The MM_NULLACT manifest constant may be used to specify no action.
The tag argument should reference online documentation for the message. This usually includes the label and a unique identifying number. An example tag is "BSD:ls:168". The MM_NULLTAG manifest constant may be used to specify no tag.