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GRAID3 (8) | System administration commands and daemons | Unix Manual Pages | :man


graid3 - "control utility for RAID3 devices"


Exit Status
See Also


graid3 label [-hnrvw] name prov prov prov ... graid3 clear [-v] prov ... graid3 configure [-adhnrRvwW] name graid3 rebuild [-v] name prov graid3 insert [-hv] -n number name prov graid3 remove [-v] -n number name graid3 stop [-fv] name ... graid3 list graid3 status graid3 load graid3 unload


The graid3 utility is used for RAID3 array configuration. After a device is created, all components are detected and configured automatically. All operations such as failure detection, stale component detection, rebuild of stale components, etc. are also done automatically. The graid3 utility uses on-disk metadata (the provider’s last sector) to store all needed information.

The first argument to graid3 indicates an action to be performed:

label Create a RAID3 device. The last given component will contain parity data, whilst the others will all contain regular data. The number of components must be equal to 3, 5, 9, 17, etc. (2^n + 1).

Additional options include:

-h Hardcode providers’ names in metadata.
-n Turn off autosynchronization of stale components.
-r Use parity component for reading in round-robin fashion. Without this option the parity component is not used at all for reading operations when the device is in a complete state. With this option specified random I/O read operations are even 40% faster, but sequential reads are slower. One cannot use this option if the -w option is also specified.
-w Use verify reading feature. When reading from a device in a complete state, also read data from the parity component and verify the data by comparing XORed regular data with parity data. If verification fails, an EIO error is returned and the value of the kern.geom.raid3.stat.parity_mismatch sysctl is increased. One cannot use this option if the -r option is also specified.
clear Clear metadata on the given providers.
Configure the given device.

Additional options include:

-a Turn on autosynchronization of stale components.
-d Do not hardcode providers’ names in metadata.
-h Hardcode providers’ names in metadata.
-n Turn off autosynchronization of stale components.
-r Turn on round-robin reading.
-R Turn off round-robin reading.
-w Turn on verify reading.
-W Turn off verify reading.
Rebuild the given component forcibly. If autosynchronization was not turned off for the given device, this command should be unnecessary.
Add the given component to the existing array, if one of the components was removed previously with the remove command or if one component is missing and will not be connected again.

Additional options include:

-h Hardcode providers’ names in metadata.
Remove the given component from the given array and clear metadata on it.
stop Stop the given arrays.

Additional options include:

-f Stop the given array even if it is opened.
list See geom(8).
See geom(8).
load See geom(8).
See geom(8).

Additional options include:

-v Be more verbose.


Exit status is 0 on success, and 1 if the command fails.


Use 3 disks to setup a RAID3 array (with the round-robin reading feature). Create a file system, mount it, then unmount it and stop device:
graid3 label -v -r data da0 da1 da2
newfs /dev/raid3/data
mount /dev/raid3/data /mnt
umount /mnt
graid3 stop data
graid3 unload

Create a RAID3 array, but do not use the automatic synchronization feature. Rebuild parity component:
graid3 label -n data da0 da1 da2
graid3 rebuild data da2

Replace one data disk with a brand new one:
graid3 remove -n 0 data
graid3 insert -n 0 data da5


geom(4), geom(8), mount(8), newfs(8), umount(8), vinum(8)




Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013