<username> |
| the 8-character-or-less string used to identify users or classes (e.g. joeuser, root, 1.00, etc). Used with the Hesiod_Name_Types passwd, pobox, and filsys. |
<uid> |
| the id number assigned to a user. |
<groupid> |
| the id number assigned to a group. |
<groupname> |
| a name identifying a unique group. |
<file-system-name> |
| the name of an Athena file system. |
<"rvd-server":<pack>> |
| the name of an rvds server and pack separated by a colon. |
<"nfs-server":<partition>> |
| the name of an NFS server and its partition separated by a colon. |
<workstation-name> |
| the machine name of an Athena workstation (e.g. E40-343-3). |
<service-name> |
| name of an Athena service (e.g. Zephyr). |
<service-type> |
| name of Unix service (valid entries are defined in /etc/services). |
<printer-name> |
| name of a printer. |
<printer-cluster-name> |
| name of an Athena print cluster. |
<foo> |
| some hesinfo calls (e.g. prclusterlist) do not require a specific HesiodName argument. However, you must include a dummy string (e.g. foo) for hesinfo to work properly. |
passwd |
| returns string suitable for inclusion in /etc/passwd, searching with <username>. |
pobox | returns information on the pobox assigned to the user specified by HesiodName, searching with <username>. |
uid | returns string suitable for inclusion in /etc/passwd, searching with <uid>. |
gid | returns string suitable for inclusion in /etc/group, searching with <groupid>. |
group | returns string suitable for inclusion in /etc/group, searching with <groupname>. |
grplist |
| returns subgroups included in superset defined by <groupname>. |
filsys |
| returns file system type, export point, server, mount mode, and import point for the following valid HesiodNames (see above) - <"file-system-name">, <username>, <"rvd-server":<pack>>, and <"nfs-server":<partition>>. |
cluster |
| returns information about the local cluster the workstation, specified by <"workstation-name">. Included is information about the local file and print servers. This information is accesses by clusterinfo at boot time. |
sloc | returns network name of service host for <service-name>. |
service |
| returns Internet protocol type and protocol service port for <service-type>. |
pcap | returns a valid entry for /etc/printcap for <printer-name>. |
prcluserlist |
| returns a list of print clusters. |
prcluster |
| returns a list of printers in a cluster specified by <printer-cluster-name>. |