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HPROP (8) | System administration commands and daemons | Unix Manual Pages | :man


hprop - propagate the KDC database


See Also


hprop [-m file | Xo --master-key= file ] [-d file | Xo --database= file ] [--source=heimdal|mit-dump|krb4-dump|krb4-db|kaserver] [-r string | Xo --v4-realm= string ] [-c cell | Xo --cell= cell ] [-S-| --kaspecials ] [-k keytab | Xo --keytab= keytab ] [-R string | Xo --v5-realm= string ] [-D-| --decrypt ] [-E-| --encrypt ] [-n-| --stdout ] [-v-| --verbose ] [--version] [-h-| --help ] [host [:port]] ...


hprop takes a principal database in a specified format and converts it into a stream of Heimdal database records. This stream can either be written to standard out, or (more commonly) be propagated to a hpropd(8) server running on a different machine.

If propagating, it connects to all hosts specified on the command by opening a TCP connection to port 754 (service hprop) and sends the database in encrypted form.

Supported options:

-m file, --master-key= file
Where to find the master key to encrypt or decrypt keys with.
-d file, --database= file
The database to be propagated.
--source= heimdal|mit-dump|krb4-dump|krb4-db|kaserver
Specifies the type of the source database. Alternatives include:

heimdal a Heimdal database
mit-dump a MIT Kerberos 5 dump file
krb4-db a Kerberos 4 database
a Kerberos 4 dump file
kaserver an AFS kaserver database
-k keytab, --keytab= keytab
The keytab to use for fetching the key to be used for authenticating to the propagation daemon(s). The key kadmin/hprop is used from this keytab. The default is to fetch the key from the KDC database.
-R string, --v5-realm= string
Local realm override.
-D , --decrypt
The encryption keys in the database can either be in clear, or encrypted with a master key. This option transmits the database with unencrypted keys.
-E , --encrypt
This option transmits the database with encrypted keys.
-n , --stdout
Dump the database on stdout, in a format that can be fed to hpropd.

The following options are only valid if hprop is compiled with support for Kerberos 4 (kaserver).

-r string, --v4-realm= string
v4 realm to use.
-c cell, --cell= cell
The AFS cell name, used if reading a kaserver database.
-S , --kaspecials
Also dump the principals marked as special in the kaserver database.
-4 , --v4-db
Deprecated, identical to '--source=krb4-db'.
-K , --ka-db
Deprecated, identical to '--source=kaserver'.


The following will propagate a database to another machine (which should run hpropd(8):)
$ hprop slave-1 slave-2

Copy a Kerberos 4 database to a Kerberos 5 slave:
$ hprop --source=krb4-db -E krb5-slave

Convert a Kerberos 4 dump-file for use with a Heimdal KDC:
$ hprop -n --source=krb4-dump -d /var/kerberos/principal.dump --master-key=/.k | hpropd -n



Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013