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ISPCVT (8) | System administration commands and daemons | Unix Manual Pages | :man


ispcvt - verify if current video driver is pcvt driver


Exit Status
See Also


ispcvt [-c] [-d device] [-n] [-v]


The ispcvt utility allows the user to check whether the current video driver compiled into the kernel is a pcvt driver. The major and minor release numbers of the driver are also checked. Furthermore ispcvt is also able to print out the values of all the "PCVT_XXXXXX" compile time options, the driver in the current running kernel was compiled with.

The options are as follows:

-d Specifies a device for which the check is done.
-v Specifies being verbose. On success the name and revision is reported, on failure which comparison failed.
-n print the number of compiled-in virtual terminals.
-c This options prints out the values of all "PCVT_XXXXXX" #defines which were given to the compiler at the time the currently running kernel was compiled. Specifying -v with the -c option gives a verbose listing of the compile-time options.


The ispcvt utility exits with one of the following values:

0 driver is pcvt and major and minor numbers match
1 open(2) or ioctl(2) system call failed
2 driver name mismatch
3 name matched, release major number mismatch
4 name and major number matched, release minor number mismatch
5 usage error



Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013