NAME kvm_getloadavg - get load average of the system CONTENTS Library Synopsis Description Diagnostics See Also LIBRARY .Lb libkvm SYNOPSIS .In kvm.h int kvm_getloadavg "kvm_t *kd" "double loadavg[]" "int nelem" DESCRIPTION The kvm_getloadavg function returns the number of processes in the system run queue of the kernel indicated by kd, averaged over various periods of time. Up to nelem samples are retrieved and assigned to successive elements of loadavg[]. The system imposes a maximum of 3 samples, representing averages over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes, respectively. DIAGNOSTICS If the load average was unobtainable, -1 is returned; otherwise, the number of samples actually retrieved is returned. SEE ALSO uptime(1), getloadavg(3), kvm(3)