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lwres_conf_init, lwres_conf_clear, lwres_conf_parse, lwres_conf_print, lwres_conf_get - lightweight resolver configuration




#include <lwres/lwres.h>

void lwres_conf_init(lwres_context_t *ctx);

void lwres_conf_clear(lwres_context_t *ctx);

lwres_result_t lwres_conf_parse(lwres_context_t *ctx, const char *filename);

lwres_result_t lwres_conf_print(lwres_context_t *ctx, FILE *fp);

lwres_conf_t * lwres_conf_get(lwres_context_t *ctx);


lwres_conf_init() creates an empty lwres_conf_t structure for lightweight resolver context ctx.

lwres_conf_clear() frees up all the internal memory used by that lwres_conf_t structure in resolver context ctx.

lwres_conf_parse() opens the file filename and parses it to initialise the resolver context ctx’s lwres_conf_t structure.

lwres_conf_print() prints the lwres_conf_t structure for resolver context ctx to the FILE fp.


lwres_conf_parse() returns LWRES_R_SUCCESS if it successfully read and parsed filename. It returns LWRES_R_FAILURE if filename could not be opened or contained incorrect resolver statements.

lwres_conf_print() returns LWRES_R_SUCCESS unless an error occurred when converting the network addresses to a numeric host address string. If this happens, the function returns LWRES_R_FAILURE.


stdio(3), resolver(5).


Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013