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MATH (3) | C library functions | Unix Manual Pages | :man


math - "floating-point mathematical library"


Algebraic Functions
Classification Functions
Exponent Manipulation Functions
Extremum- and Sign-Related Functions
Residue and Rounding Functions
Silent Order Predicates
Transcendental Functions
See Also


.Lb libm


.In math.h


These functions constitute the C math library.


Each of the following
.Vt double functions has a
.Vt float counterpart with an ‘f’ appended to the name and a
.Vt "long double" counterpart with an ‘l’ appended. As an example, the
.Vt float and
.Vt "long double" counterparts of double acos "double x" are float acosf "float x" and "long double" acosl "long double x", respectively.

Algebraic Functions

"Name Description" cbrt cube root fmafused multiply-add hypot Euclidean distance sqrt square root

Classification Functions

"Name Description" fpclassify classify a floating-point value isfinite determine whether a value is finite isinf determine whether a value is infinite isnan determine whether a value is NaN isnormal determine whether a value is normalized

Exponent Manipulation Functions

"Name Description" frexp extract exponent and mantissa ilogb extract exponent ldexp multiply by power of 2 scalbln adjust exponent scalbn adjust exponent

Extremum- and Sign-Related Functions

"Name Description" copysign copy sign bit fabs absolute value fdim positive difference fmax maximum function fmin minimum function signbit extract sign bit

Residue and Rounding Functions

"Name Description" ceil integer no less than floor integer no greater than fmod positive remainder llrint round to integer in fixed-point format llround round to nearest integer in fixed-point format lrint round to integer in fixed-point format lround round to nearest integer in fixed-point format modf extract integer and fractional parts nearbyint round to integer (silent) nextafter next representable value nexttoward next representable value remainder remainder remquo remainder with partial quotient rint round to integer round round to nearest integer trunc integer no greater in magnitude than

The ceil, floor, llround, lround, round, and trunc functions round in predetermined directions, whereas llrint, lrint, and rint round according to the current (dynamic) rounding mode. For more information on controlling the dynamic rounding mode, see fenv(3) and fesetround(3).

Silent Order Predicates

"Name Description" isgreater greater than relation isgreaterequal greater than or equal to relation isless less than relation islessequalless than or equal to relation islessgreater less than or greater than relation isunorderedunordered relation

Transcendental Functions

"Name Description" acos inverse cosine acosh inverse hyperbolic cosine asin inverse sine asinh inverse hyperbolic sine atan inverse tangent atanh inverse hyperbolic tangent atan2 atan(y/x); complex argument coscosine cosh hyperbolic cosine erferror function erfc complementary error function expexponential base e exp2 exponential base 2 expm1 exp(x)-1 j0 Bessel function of the first kind of the order 0 j1 Bessel function of the first kind of the order 1 jn Bessel function of the first kind of the order n lgamma log gamma function lognatural logarithm log10 logarithm to base 10 log1p log(1+x) powexponential x**y sintrigonometric function sinh hyperbolic function tantrigonometric function tanh hyperbolic function tgamma gamma function y0 Bessel function of the second kind of the order 0 y1 Bessel function of the second kind of the order 1 yn Bessel function of the second kind of the order n

Unlike the algebraic functions listed earlier, the routines in this section may not produce a result that is correctly rounded, so reproducible results cannot be guaranteed across platforms. For most of these functions, however, incorrect rounding occurs rarely, and then only in very-close-to-halfway cases.


fenv(3), ieee(3)



Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013