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named-checkzone - zone file validity checking tool




named-checkzone [ -d ] [ -j ] [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -c class ] [ -k mode ] [ -n mode ] [ -o filename ] [ -t directory ] [ -w directory ] [ -D ] zonename filename


named-checkzone checks the syntax and integrity of a zone file. It performs the same checks as named does when loading a zone. This makes named-checkzone useful for checking zone files before configuring them into a name server.


-d Enable debugging.
-q Quiet mode - exit code only.
-v Print the version of the named-checkzone program and exit.
-j When loading the zone file read the journal if it exists.
-c class
Specify the class of the zone. If not specified "IN" is assumed.
-k mode
Perform "check-name" checks with the specified failure mode. Possible modes are "fail", "warn" (default) and "ignore".
-n mode
Specify whether NS records should be checked to see if they are addresses. Possible modes are "fail", "warn" (default) and "ignore".
-o filename
Write zone output to directory.
-t directory
chroot to directory so that include directives in the configuration file are processed as if run by a similarly chrooted named.
-w directory
chdir to directory so that relative filenames in master file $INCLUDE directives work. This is similar to the directory clause in named.conf.
-D Dump zone file in canonical format.
The domain name of the zone being checked.
The name of the zone file.


named-checkzone returns an exit status of 1 if errors were detected and 0 otherwise.


named(8),RFC 1035,BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual.


Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013