Most of the interaction with PCI devices is already handled by the kernel PCI layer, and thus these calls should not normally need to be accessed from userspace. pciconfig_read
Reads to buf from device dev at offset off value.
Writes from buf to device dev at offset off value.
You pass it a bus/devfn pair and get a physical address for either the memory offset (for things like prep, this is 0xc0000000), the IO base for PIO cycles, or the ISA holes if any.
On success zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately.
On success zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately.
Returns information on locations of various I/O regions in physical memory according to the which value. Values for which are: IOBASE_BRIDGE_NUMBER, IOBASE_MEMORY, IOBASE_IO, IOBASE_ISA_IO, IOBASE_ISA_MEM.