The terminal name as specified in the termcap(5) database, for example, "vt100" or "xterm". If not specified, tput retrieves the "TERM" variable from the environment.
The tput utility outputs a string for each attribute that is of type string; a number for each of type integer. Otherwise, tput exits 0 if the terminal has the capability and 1 if it does not, without further action.
If an attribute is of type string, and takes arguments (e.g. cursor movement, the termcap "cm" sequence) the arguments are taken from the command line immediately following the attribute.
The following special attributes are available:
Clear the screen (the termcap(5) "cl" sequence).
Initialize the terminal (the termcap(5) "is" sequence).
Print the descriptive name of the users terminal type.
Reset the terminal (the termcap(5) "rs" sequence).
If the last attribute attribute argument is of type string or integer, its value was successfully written to standard output. If the argument is of type boolean, the terminal has this attribute.
This terminal does not have the specified boolean attribute.
Usage error.
No information is available about the specified terminal type.