If the SHIFTED function keys are unlocked, redefinition of a SHIFTED function key will rewrite the old string. There are 256 bytes available for the SHIFTED function keys. Space is supplied on a first-come/first-serve basis. After the 256 bytes are used, you cannot define any more keys unless space is cleared. This can be done by redefining a key to contain a string of fewer bytes.
All key definitions are stored in volatile RAM, and are lost when terminal power is lost.
The ESC key (unshifted) no longer generates the proper escape character. This is of particular importance since many editors require use of the ESC key. Here are some available alternatives:
- The escape character can be generated by typing ^[ (control-[).
- Use vt220keys as follows (note ^[ is control-[)
"vt220keys ESC ^["
This will require you to press the SHIFT key and ESC to generate the escape sequence.
- Some editors, allow other character(s) to be substituted for the escape character. For example with emacs(1) include this line in your .emacs_pro:
(bind-to-key "ESC-prefix" "\033[23~")
Thus when the ESC key is pressed, emacs will allow the characters generated (^[[23~) to perform the same function as the escape character.