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keycap - keyboard mapping data base


A Sample Entry
See Also




The keycap file is a data base describing keyboard mappings, used by kcon(1).

Entries in keycap consist of a number of ‘:’-separated fields. The first entry for each mapping gives the names that are known for the mapping, separated by ‘|’ characters. All names but the first and last should be in lower case and contain no blanks; the last name may well contain upper case and blanks for readability.


"Name Type Description
"de bool Resets Keyboard mapping to compiled-in default"
"D<n> bool Disables key <n> completely"
"m<n> num specify key numbers for ALT keys
"l<n> num specify key numbers for ALTGR keys
"h<n> num specify key numbers for SHIFT keys
"t<n> num specify key numbers for CONTROL keys
"ca<n> num specify key number for the CAPS LOCK key
"sh<n> num specify key number for the SHIFT LOCK key
"nl<n> num specify key number for the NUM LOCK key
"sc<n> num specify key number for the SCROLL LOCK key
"K<n> str bind a string to an unshifted (normal) key
"S<n> str bind a string to a shifted key
"C<n> str bind a string to a control key
"A<n> str bind a string to an altgr key
"tc strEntry of similar map - must be last."

Parameter <n> describing the key number can have values from 1 to 128.

A string parameter may have up to 15 characters.

A Sample Entry

The following entry, which describes a test entry, is among the very easy entries in the keycap file as of this writing.

tt|test|Test entry which swaps y and z:\

Entries may continue onto multiple lines by giving a \ as the last character of a line. Comments may be included on lines beginning with "#".


File containing keyboard mapping descriptions.


The entry "l1#60" sets the keynumber for the ALTGR key to 60.

The entry "K100=hugo" binds the string ’hugo’ to the key number 100.

The entry "K100=^D" binds the control character EOT (0x04) to the key number 100.

The entry "K100=\000" binds the control character NUL (0x00) to the key number 100.


kcon(1), keycap(3)

Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013