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lnc - "AMD Lance/PCnet Ethernet device driver"


See Also


To compile support for the lnc driver into your kernel, place the following line in your kernel configuration file:

.Cd "device lnc"

Alternatively, to load the lnc driver at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5):

In /boot/device.hints:
.Cd hint.lnc.0.at= "isa"
.Cd hint.lnc.0.port= "0x280"
.Cd hint.lnc.0.irq= "10"
.Cd hint.lnc.0.drq= "0"


The lnc driver provides support for the AMD family of Lance/PCnet Ethernet NICs including the Am7990 and Am79C960.


The lnc driver supports the following adapters:

  • Diamond HomeFree
  • Digital DEPCA
  • Hewlett Packard Vectra 486/66XM
  • Hewlett Packard Vectra XU
  • Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
  • Isolan BICC
  • Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
  • Novell NE2100
  • Novell NE32-VL

Also supported are adapters working with the pcn(4) driver. The lnc driver runs these in compatibility mode, thus the pcn(4) driver should be preferred.


"lnc%d: Framing error" A framing error occurred. This means a CRC error also occurred. This caused the driver to drop the packet that contained the framing error.
"lnc%d: Receive CRC error The received Ethernet frame failed the CRC checksum. This caused the driver to drop the packet that failed the checksum.
"lnc%d: Packet dropped, no mbufs" The driver ran out of mbuf’s. This may suggest a resource problem.
"lnc%d: Couldn’t allocate memory for NIC" This is a fatal error. The driver will not attach to the card under this circumstance.
"lnc%d: Memory allocated above 16Mb limit" ISA and ESIA cards require bounce buffers for DMA transfers above 16mb. The Am7990 and Am79C960 only have 24 address lines and so can only access the lower 16Mb of physical memory. The lnc driver assumes the memory it allocates is within the lower 16Mb range. This is not a very valid assumption but there is nothing that can be done about it yet. For shared memory NICs this is not relevant.
"lnc%d: Device timeout -- Resetting" The device has stopped responding to the network, or there is a problem with the network connection (cable). Make sure the network connection in use is the same one the card is configured for.
"lnc%d: Transmit late collision -- Net error?"
"lnc%d: Loss of carrier during transmit -- Net error?"
"lnc%d: Transmit of packet failed after 16 attempts -- TDR = %d"
"lnc%d: Heartbeat error -- SQE test failed"
"lnc%d: Babble error - more than 1519 bytes transmitted"
"lnc%d: Missed packet -- no receive buffer"
"lnc%d: Memory error -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Couldn’t get mbuf for transmit packet -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Receive buffer error"
"lnc%d: Receive overflow error"
"lnc%d: Receive interrupt with buffer still owned by controller -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Receive interrupt but not start of packet -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Start of packet found before end of previous in receive ring -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: End of received packet not found -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Transmit interrupt with buffer still owned by controller -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Transmit interrupt but not start of packet -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Start of packet found before end of previous in transmit ring -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: End of transmitted packet not found -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Transmit buffer error -- Resetting"
"lnc%d: Transmit underflow error -- Resetting"


arp(4), netintro(4), ng_ether(4), ifconfig(8)




Created by Blin Media, 2008-2013